Improve Your Quality of Life

Better quality brings better life.  

In addition, there are deals you should not missed!

Quality Life Coupons!

Use the code best match your cart value to save the most!

Code: QLM25

$25 off for order amount above $100

Code: QLM35

$35 off for order amount above $200

Code: QLM45

$45 off for order amount above $300

Code: QLM55

$55 off for order amount above $400

Code: QLM80

$80 off for order amount above $500

Code: QLM100

$100 off for order amount above $600

Code: QLM120

$120 off for order amount above $700

Code: QLM170

$170 off for order amount above $900

Code: QLM300

$300 off for order amount above $1500

Get An Extra Bonus

Extra bonus will pop up when you add the product to cart


Place your order now to get an extra one year warranty extend, total 3-year-warranty, always keep you on-the-go. Free extend will automatically apply when you add the item to cart.

Free Gift

Choose a gift you love! A popup window will show up when you add items to cart and you can check what gifts are available, don't missed it!

Seller Recommend

Shop the best portable monitors from most purchase!

New Arrivals

Get something new for the New Year!


Dex user must have portable docking station

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the campaign


